[오늘의 대화]
A: Yom Kippur! I wonder what that is.
B: Yom Kippur is a well-known Jewish holiday.
Quite a lot of people in America observe Yom Kippur.
A: When is it observed?
B: It’s in early October this year. The date changes each year.
A: How is Yom Kippur observed?
B: It involves fasting and intense praying.
Eating, drinking, working, bathing or washing are all prohibited.
A: I see.
B: They do not drive motor vehicles, either.
A: How about emergency vehicles such as ambulances and fire trucks?
B: They can operate those vehicles as an exception.
Bicycle-riding is OK, too.
[대화/표현해설] & [대화듣고따라하기]
A: Yom Kippur! I wonder what that is.
얌키퍼! 그게뭔지궁금하군요.
* I wonder ~ : 나는 ~이궁금합니다.
B: Yom Kippur is a well-known Jewish holiday.
* well-known: 잘알려진, 유명한
Quite a lot of people in America observe Yom Kippur.
* quite: 상당히, 매우
* observe: 기념하다, 기리다, (기념일, 명절등을) 쇠다
A: When is it observed?
B: It’s in early October this year. The date changes each year.
올해는 10월초입니다. 날짜는매년바뀝니다.
* early October: 10월초, 10월중순은 mid October, 하순은 late October.
A: How is Yom Kippur observed?
B: It involves fasting and intense praying.
* fasting: 단식, 단식을하는
* intense: 격렬한, 열렬한
* praying: 기도하는
Eating, drinking, working, bathing or washing are all prohibited.
음식, 음주, 일, 목욕이나몸을씻는일을모두금합니다.
* prohibited: 금지된
A: I see.
B: They do not drive motor vehicles, either.
* motor vehicle: 자동차 (2륜/3륜/4륜등모든종류의자동차를포함한개념)
A: How about emergency vehicles such as ambulances and fire trucks?
B: They can operate those vehicles as an exception.
* as an exception: 예외로서, 예외적으로
Bicycle-riding is OK, too.
A: I wonder what Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are.
B: They are Jewish holidays.
A: 로시하샤나와얌키퍼가무엇인지궁금하군요.
B: 유대교기념일들입니다.
* * * *
A: I wonder where I can find a post office.
B: There’s one right across the street.
A: 우체국이어디있는지궁금하군요.
B: 바로길건너하나있습니다.
* * * *
A: I wonder who that lady is.
B: Don’t you know her? She is the most famous person in this town.
A: 저여자가누구인지궁금하군요.
B: 저여자모르세요? 이마을에서가장유명한사람인데요.
* * * * *
얌키퍼! 그게뭔지궁금하군요.
Yom Kippur! I wonder what that is.
Yom Kippur is a well-known Jewish holiday.
Quite a lot of people in America observe Yom Kippur.
When is it observed?
올해는 10월초입니다. 날짜는매년바뀝니다.
It’s in early October this year. The date changes each year.
How is Yom Kippur observed?
It involves fasting and intense praying.
음식, 음주, 일, 목욕이나몸을씻는일을모두금합니다.
Eating, drinking, working, bathing or washing are all prohibited.
I see.
They do not drive motor vehicles, either.
How about emergency vehicles such as ambulances and fire trucks?
They can operate those vehicles as an exception.
Bicycle-riding is OK, too.
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